Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Get your craft on!

I have always loved creating, styling, re-purposing, decorating and all things creative. I am not the best at it, but it is a creative outlet that I enjoy, regardless of the results. I have friends that say things like 'I wish I could be as creative as you' 'I can't do that, I wish I could' or 'I don't have a creative bone in my body, mine would never turn out good'. Well, I am here to challenge you otherwise, my friends! If you never try, you'll never know! You only THINK you can't do it, you only THINK it won't turn out good!

There are other benefits to crafting besides just letting out your creative bug. It calms nerves, helps develop coordination, lowers blood-pressure, builds self-esteem and more! Sometimes I don't thing of my projects as projects, but, rather, therapy sessions! Seriously, if you've had a bad day, or bad week, take one hour for yourself to create something and it really does wonders for mind, body and sanity!

OK, so here's my first creative challenge for you:

Create a card

Something, each and everyone of you can do, I guarantee it! It's simple and it won't take you long, but you'll love every minute of it.

Here's what you'll need:

Paper (construction paper for a whimsical look, patterned scrapbook for a more decorative look)
Glue stick
Scissors (regular and patterned if you like)
Photos (if you want)

Before you begin, think of a person this card will be for. I chose my mom.

So I cut my paper to the size I wanted (5X9), don't be afraid to cut crooked. I did mine at angles to give a whimsical effect. On the front, cut your side a bit shorter than the back.

Cut out your flower pieces, (or if you want to be creative, use your own design or a photo, for this lesson I will be using a flower) 6-10 oblong petals, one center, and two leaves

Glue your leaves on and start gluing your petals on in a circle. Finish it off with the center piece. Next, ever so lightly, draw the veins on the leaves and speckles on the center of the flower.

Now, on the side, carefully trace your shorter side onto the back. Draw a pretty pattern in the blank space.

Open it up and you should have a pretty side pattern, and a blank center where you can write your favorite quote, add another flower, or picture. I added a quick frame with a small embellishment and cute saying.

And there you go!

Now, this is just a simple fast way to make a custom card. I love the fun and whimsical look to construction paper. Next time, we'll get a little more creative!

I challenge you to do this this week sometime. It doesn't take long, but it will be a great and fun project for you! Also, if you have kids at home, a great gift to the grandparents would be cut-outs of their little hand prints on the card. Or, a fun little picture on the inside. Kids love projects like this, and the bonus for parents is that it's an inexpensive project that helps kids develop skills and creativity!

Don't feel that just because it's crooked or not perfect it's not a great card. It's homemade and from the heart, that makes it ever so special to the one who receives it! They will not see the imperfections, they will see the love!

Have fun and be sure to share with me your creations!

Welcome one and all!

Welcome to my newest blog!

This blog is dedicated to all things heart-warming, home brightening and healthy! I intend to share recipes, projects, ideas, stories, pictures, motivations and all other things that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside!